*** caveat: Elsie is now picking the pictures to include here! ***

Elsie and Geri decided to go to the Wuertz Gourd Festival that occurs once a year. Apparently, this area is world renown for growing gourds that all the artsy fartsy people love to carve to create an "Object d' Art"
Geri is getting right into the selection ... as you can see there are a few to chose from!
Just a few .... Hmmmm which would make the best vehicle to express Elsie's creative genius?
It sure is a popular event
Even the "kids" have fun here ... at least these two "big kids" did
There are lots of gourds "in the rough" to buy, but also lots of already carved and painted ones on sale
They get quite intricate with their designs
Gourds in all shapes end up being ... in all shapes
Here a little help is received with the application of a few real feathers
For reasons best know to us-- I include this one for our good friend Alf
Interesting designs from all over the world
All she needs here is her Lei
What an imagination!!! (that is all that Elsie is allowing me to say ... but do remember that she chose the pictures to include here)
Our spot in our Home Park ... we could not get in under our membership so we had to use another membership and got stuck in the furthermost corner of the Park.
The weather was awful!!! So We stayed indoors a lot and checked emails etc...
One day it actually hailed ... remember this is in the mid desert ... go figure
This was after only a short burst of rain. The area is not designed to allow large amounts of rain to run off easily
The "Lords" sure knew what to do on a day like this!
We left Casa Grande and headed to Yuma to visit good friends of ours Bob and Judy Davies. They found probably the best Yuma Park so we made reservations there for two weeks.
The whole Park got involved in their Valentine's Day Dance. See web page for more details on the structure of this dance
As they walked (strutted, minced etc) in. there was music playing to augment their costume.
This is the Owner of the Park who also got involved ... as I say, a great park!!!
Several months late for Christmas but what the heck!
'"South of the Border, down Mexico way" Pedro enters
Fisherman "Bob" makes his grand entrance
First thing he does is grab his Wife to join in the parade
I think a little alcohol was involved here
Here the audience was bidding on the costumes. They did this in groups of three as there were probably over 40 costumes up for grabs.
Here Bob gets a bid of 150.00 for his costume. All money went to Prostate Cancer research. Bob was sure a GOOD SPORT about this !!!!!!!!
A lunch trip with Bob and Judy ... very famous ex casino in Yuma ... good food and CHEAP Beer!!! Suits me down to the ground!!!
As I said CHEAP BEER ... we had a few ...
We also inhabit classier places ... here we go to Brunch in the Yuma Garden Cafe. Again great food but this time we can sit outside...
As it was around 11:00, it was still a little chilly but the sun -- as usual -- was out!
Elsie is being patient ... but believe me --- she was hungry!!!
As we were all hungry!!!
I, of course, was the picture of composure ....
After brunch, we headed out to the "Centre of the World" better known as Felicity California.(well, they claim that it is the centre of the world)
Why this pile of quartz is here, no one knows for sure.
In Felicity, this had -- copied from Michelangelo's famous painting in the Sistine Chapel, God giving life to Adam.
Here it is folks ... the actual -- according to the mayor of Felicity --- centre of the world.
If you take the $1.00 tour, you get to stand on the actual spot and people can take your picture. Then, you get an authentic Certificate to commemorate this momentous occasion.
Of course, we all did this
I took this Very Seriously!!!!!
so did Elsie ... almost like a girl scout???
The hill here was shipped in truck load after truck load of dirt
Walls with the names of the soldiers who were lost in the Korean War
Names of the French Foreign Legion Fallen -- the Mayor of Felicity is French
Here Bob and Judy pose with the Actual Certificate of this momentous visit. Behind is the pyramid that houses the actual spot.
We all get into the picture. Note the certificates proudly being held
What the heck, you only live once
Here is the Actual Document ... sort of makes you a little dizzy eh
Don't ask me why, but for some reason when the Parisian Officials were repairing the Eiffel Tour in Paris, they replaced the stairs that joined the premier etage to the duxieme etage. (first and second landing). Nothing to do but they had it shipped to California .... And there it stands today ....Hmmm ....
This little guy was the welcoming guard at the entrance to the Chretins Restaurant....no this is no relation to the ex-prime minister of Canada
Bob and Sue Sewell. We met them several years ago at one of the first PacNats Rallies and have stayed in touch ever since. Bob is one of those guys who can do anything mechanical with his hands. A very talented guy!!!! Instead of buying a new Motorhome, they decided to totally redo the interior of their 1999 Tradewinds. We had a great steak dinner at their place and got the Royal Tour of the improvements. Makes a mechanical klutz like me very jealous as needles to say, they did a fantastic job on the remodel. It is now a NEW motorhome!!!
Do these guys look comfortable?????
Yet another National RV Owner -- Glenn and Sheila Simpson. Glenn runs "Dish on a Stick" in the Yuma Market. This is the internet dish on a portable tripod that many RVers use. If you are looking for information on this product, Glenn is the best there is!!!!
More importantly, he is a true Renaissance Man. He and Sheila both love life, people and FOOD!!!! Our type of folks!!!
Here we have solved all but one of the problems of the world and are taking a breather before we solve the last one!!!!
This is one of the impromptu Brunches thrown at the Park in Yuma
Unfortunately, it was damn cold ... but the sky was blue as usual
I don't want to guess just what Bob is describing here <g>
The food was great and as I really like it .. there was lots of it!!!!
Hash browns left over ... I think Bob and Judy ate hash browns for a week after the brunch
When we left Yuma, we headed to a free 5 days in the Outdoor of America Deluxe MotorCoach Park. This was the view from our front door. After so long in the desert, it was a real thrill to be able to wee and walk on grass again!!!
The Indio Balloon sailed over our sight. A tad expensive to do, but it seems to be very popular
Elsie was quite taken by this sight
Well .... anyway ....
Ahhh ... Joe doing what he does best. They wanted over 150,000 for this site. Note this "Elegant Lady" 45 foot brand new palace beside us ... from Texas, of course.
It really is a beautiful spot. There are 400 sites with insurance replacement value for the coaches around 1,200,000 to well over several million dollars. You do the math!
But Harvey looks pretty good sitting there
Lots and lots of flowers ... again, after the desert ... this is a rare treat!!!
Three miles of canals winding through the Park. You can rent little electric boats and go for your own 4 hour cruise.
This is one of the Rec centers across from us complete with Pool and snack bar.
The view looking to the right of Harvey. Lovely spot ..... But ....

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