*** caveat: Elsie is now picking the pictures to include here! ***

We had our old CRT TV removed from Harvey and replaced with an 26 inch LCD. AS you can see, it left a huge hole that required a cabinet around it. So, while we were in Oregon, we had Dylan who had worked on Ken and Betty's RV interior craft one for us.
Quite the improvement eh? Dylan did a good job matching the existing wood work. I like the comment on the screen --- we did have this done in Oregon ... but it was declared at the border, of course!!!  We don't have one of these flat screens at home yet, so it will be interesting how we react to this new technology.
This is Lord Thurston's favorite perch ... if there is any kind of sunbeam. The back of the sofa is his heaven
Stanley, on the other hand, prefers to help me with the computer ... it does make it a little tough to type with both hands ...

Here, Elsie is just filling in "The Boys" on the Travel plans for the day.

This is in Desert Hot Pools in Desert Hot Springs. This is the "hot" tub at 104 degrees. Just on the left side are two other tubs the same size at 100 and 98 degrees respectively. How can you not relax here. Just behind the camera is a very large swimming pool also heated by the hot springs. The water here is supposed to be "magical" for all that ails ya!!!
Just to let you know, when the sun goes down in December / January in Yuma it gets DAMN cold. I get sent out to do the BBQing while Elsie stays warm inside
This is Elsie's WARM domain ... stove, cook top and microwave/convection oven
The odd time Stanley tries to get onto Thurston's perch ... sadly, Stan is too large and he falls off ... doesn't make Thurston mad when he does leave
The Christmas Parade put on by the people in the Park. One of many spontaneous events that happen over the winter period
Complete with Santa handing out candy ... I didn't get any but Elsie did ... figures
All sorts of floats beautifully decorated
Christmas seems strange when it is still short pants weather
The local Shiners also took part
Getting harder to see what is going on, but trust me --- it was neat
Just when the float was decorated I don't know ...
The month of December ... this place was empty. It did fill up in January. This is a well laid out and well taken care of park.
Harvey with his Sats up!!! Looks like a CBC News Vehicle? Note only one bike ... sigh!!!!
Now, if only CSI would get here ... this is a picture of the footprints of the slob who stole my bike. Where is Horatio when you really need him???
It can get cold at night, but most days have the beautiful blue sky that Arizona is so well known for.
Ahhh .... Shared body heat ... the only way to get through those really chilly times
Bob and Judy -- Bob is wearing the grey tank top -- hosted a Karaoke afternoon at their spot. There must have been 50 people and the food and music were great!!
No ... the world is safe ... I was not singing ... just taking pictures.
Here Bob is singing "Hotel California" You think you know someone and then you find out they have a never thought of skill ... Bob can sure sing!
Joe, The Pilot", aiming the Honda down the road towards El Centro about 50 minutes west of Yuma. We were checking out possible future camp grounds.
Do you want a job?? This guy, sits in his truck with the engine going to keep the AC on for 8 hours, and stares at the Mexican Border just a mile or so away.
Imperial Sand Dunes California. This is one of the areas that ATV's are not allowed.
The big rock in the foreground is Pilot Knob. The RV's in front are staying in one of our Membership Parks. The far mountains are well inside Mexico.
The entrance to Slab City The guy who lives in this spot has been here for years and has decorated the only solid rock formation in the area. (he named it Salvation Mountain)
This part of the "City" is well taken care of.
One of the Marine Sentry Boxes left over from when this was an active Marine Base during WWII
You get all kinds of people here
This is the Church for the City
Of Course, you need a Public Bulletin Board for important announcements
Who knows how long this guy has been here, but it is one of the nicer RV's here. Note the huge Solar Panels on the roof
This is sort of a Community Centre of sorts
This is one of the roads in the City. It was named after Ray Burgess who was big in the DataStorm Satellite community. He had an old Greyhound bus that he modified to be an RV. Obviously, he had to name the vehicle "RayHound" We met him at the Gila Bend Sat Rally last year. He has since passed away and the "City" decided to honour him by naming a road in his name.

One of the many sewer connections all over the place. It probably goes to an old barrel that acts as a septic tank. Be careful walking around here!

The "Renaissance Faire" in Yuma. Not nearly as impressive as the one we hit in Rockport Texas last year, but still, it was fun.
All sorts of comments swirl though my mind with this sign and lovely young lady. Unfortunately, Elsie has to proof read this so I think discretion will be the better part of valour ...
"Holy Lizard BatMan" All sorts of things going on.
They were singing modern Irish music .... Hmmmmmm
This group was singing a madrigal ... they sure seemed to be having fun
Local "Yuma ites" in costume!!!
Super Bowl Time!!! Here we had Mark and Pat from Vancouver and Connie and Terry from Kamloops over to watch the game on the outside TV. One of the few times we have had the weather suitable to use it!!!
That was a GREAT Game ... almost as good as the Grey Cup!!
People up the way from us had this standard sized poodle ... Mark and Pat have two of these dogs. The difference is that these people loved to dress the dog up in all sorts of costumes. They tow a convertible Mustang and when they drive with the top down, the dog has sunglasses and a set of World War I flying goggles and helmet. Mark and Pat were less than impressed!!!
This is Lutes Casino in downtown Yuma. It really is a Bar and Restaurant now but has been a casino in the past. The walls are covered with memorabilia that would take hours to wander around to see. They are famous for their onion rings. I think Mark agrees!!!
Kathy and Gary, from the Pacnats, were over at Pat and Mark's for lunch one day
Gary is telling Shawn that this is not dog food!!!
We went to Felicity CA with Mark and Pat to initiate them into the "Center of the World Club"
Before we did this, we went out into the desert where we had fond a number of years ago this little shrine built by who knows whom.
It really is a magical sort of place ... Over the years we have heard three different stories of its origin and all three are totally different
Just a neat spot to visit and take in the silence of the desert
This is Felicity CA the supposed "centre of the world". Again, in previous epistles we have mentioned this place and each year it gets bigger and bigger. This pyramid structure covers the exact centre of the world -- at least according to the owner??
The "Hand" that is a copy of the Michelangelo's famous Sistine Chapel's hand of God reaching to man. Here it just points to the centre of the world.
This is it Folks ... the actual spot itself!!!
Mark has already had the initiation and is studying his Certificate
Pat has just completed the ritual and is handed her Certificate. A very special moment as you can see!!!
Between the Centre of the World and the Church behind it are many Marble tablets that commemorate events of the world. Everything from the progress of Man from early days to the space age, and, as well, the names of soldiers in the French Foreign Legion.
This carving starts the Foreign Legion plaques
Both sides of this follows the history of the US
These carvers actually came from France to complete the carving. Just what the final, overall picture will be must be firmly set in someone's mind
This Carver is engaged with replicating the Colossus of Rhodes.
One of the 7 "Wonders of the World" It's all here!!! You can spend a long time just wondering ...
The Church for the Site. All the dirt to make up this hill for the Church to sit on, was trucked here.
If you look carefully, you can just see Mark and I having an "I was there and I climbed the damn thing" picture taken
It is a neat little Church ... it is an actual practicing sanctuary
As I say is a multi-denominational Church
Just finished last year
Looking from the Church back to the Centre of the World. It really is quite a large site.
There is a cemetery behind the Church that has already had funerals and burials.
Very simple front window of the Church
Once again, Mark and Pat display their certificates in from of the carving depicting the Sistine Chapel painting of God and Man
A little more prosaic but a Happy Hour at Robert and Sandy's park model.
These are our next door neighbours Bob and Bonnie
As usual we hit the Casa Grande Cactus Fly In. This has always been a great afternoon, but like all things costly, this year's attendance was down greatly from last year
But still a fun day!! (Elsie got her hot dog for lunch so it can't be bad eh?)
There were 6 of these guys who put on a great fly by
I don't know where this little guy came from
I would be very reticent to tie myself into this guy
The next several shots show these biplanes on their Fly By performance
Looks deadly ... fully armed
Always sticking my nose where it probably shouldn't be
Derek of the "Tow the Boat Home" fame. I still can't believe that he made it
Stanley dreading the next day of driving
The mountains of Las Cruces (Organ Mountains) as seen as we head out towards Albuquerque and NEW ADVENTURES!!!!!!!!

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